Real World Obedience

Train your dog in the real world!


student walking thier dog in a storeIf your dog is perfect at home but struggles in new environments, this class is for you!

Class Covers:

  • The fundamental skills learned in Beginner Obedience (including sit, down, come when called, drop it, and loose leash walking) in new, distracting environments
  • Training in a new location each week to expose your dog to different environments
  • New experiences every session
  • Canine Good Citizen Urban (CGCU) certification testing for those dogs who already have their Canine Good Citizen (CGC) certification

Class Info:

This class meets only in our April, June, July and September class sessions! Enroll today!


Register for Classes

Students with dogs at a parkStudents working with their dogs in a busy park area.

student working with dog in a plazaStudent working with dog in a plaza.