Trick training is great fun! Whether you want to earn trick dog titles with your dog, teach your dog tricks for his or her therapy dog visits, or just to do something fun with your dog, our Trick Training Dawgs class is for you! And, after your first time in class, YOU tell us what […]
How do I keep my dogs from fighting?
Having dogs that live together and not get along can be hard for everyone! All Dawgs’ Household Integration package can help settle a household into a better way of living!
How can my dog learn to like other dogs?
Dogs may not like other dogs for a variety of reasons. All Dawgs can help with our specifically designed Reactive Rover class as well as one-on-one aggression modification private lessons. In some cases, the dog may even become suitable for daycare!
How can I train my rescue dog?
Rescue dogs can come with some issues – from low confidence to issues with people and/or other dogs. At All Dawgs, we offer a variety of training options – like private one-on-one lessons, group classes, and daycare. We can help you put together a training approach to help you reach your dog’s goals!
What can I do about my dog’s hyper behavior?
Dogs with lots of energy and lower self-control can make poor decisions. We can help your energetic dog use his or her energy in a positive way in daycare. At the same time, we can teach you to train your dog for more self-control.
Is there a daycare just for small dogs?
Yes! Small dogs should not play off leash with big or giant-sized dogs. They should play with other dogs of similar size and play style. At All Dawgs, we offer three different daycare packs, based on the dogs’ size and play style. Our small dog daycare pack is designed with safety and fun in mind!
Can someone train my dog for me?
Training a dog takes a lot of patience, repetition and, of course, lots of time! The most experienced trainers at All Dawgs are our Boarding School instructors. Your dog lives with his or her trainer for two to six weeks and we can jump start your dog’s training for you!
How can I stop my dog from barking?
Dogs bark for many different reasons – from boredom, over-excitement, or when something startles them. We need to figure out WHY your dog is barking to effectively teach them to stop. All Dawgs offer this training in our Dawg Manners mini-class as well as in private on-on-one lessons.
How do I train my dog as a service dog?
All Dawgs will evaluate your dog to ensure your dog has the correct temperament for service dog work. If so, we can create a contract for your dog’s training – including general obedience training, task training and public access training. This contract allows you to make monthly payments so training fits in your budget and […]
How do I know my dog will make a good service dog?
Dogs need to have the appropriate temperament to be service dogs. This includes appropriate reactions to visual and auditory startles and be fine around other dogs. In the All Dawgs service dog evaluation, we check your dog’s reactions to these things and more to ensure your dog can help you when you need it!